Tips for Planning a Virtual Conference

Due to the current limitations of in-person events, your company may be wondering how you can successfully pull off your annual conference.  You may also be thinking this is the perfect year to hold your first one! Whichever position you're in, virtual conferences can be new territory for everyone involved. Annual conferences are often the largest events of the year for companies across all industries, and you may be a bit lost when it comes to switching over to the virtual event world. Don't worry, we're here to help! We've compiled a list of our top tips for planning a virtual conference so your company can have a successful, meaningful conference despite the in-person attendance. 

1. Determine the Goals & Budget 

When you are in the developing stages of your virtual conference, start by thinking about what your concrete goals are. What are you hoping that your company accomplishes by hosting this event? There can be certain goals for the company, and certain goals for the attendees. Company goals can include building revenue, retention and industry growth, while attendee goals can include team bonding, networking and learning. The next aspect to be determined is the budget you are working with. Although the event is virtual, and you no longer need to pay for the rental of a space, there are many pieces still needed to complete the event that can cost money. Try rearranging your typical conference budget to put more emphasis on aspects that will elevate the virtual event, such as custom merchandise and keynote speakers.

2. Pick Your Platform

Due to a virtual event requiring much more technology than an in-person event, selecting the platform which you will host your conference in is crucial. Keep efficiency and ease in mind when exploring your options. You will want to make sure that the platform you select is accommodating to all skill levels to alleviate any potential stress for the attendees. Making the virtual event as accessible and effortless as possible will result in the most attendees and the most participation. Whova, Hopin and Run the World are three great options when it comes to selecting a platform for your virtual conference.

3. Create & Send an Itinerary

Keep everyone on schedule and prepared with a complete itinerary! The lengths of conferences range from a few hours to multiple days, so make sure to choose the time frame that works best for your company. Try to keep a full schedule so your attendees aren't trying to fill a lot of downtime, but also make sure you are scheduling in enough breaks. Keeping your attendees engaged looks much different for a virtual event, so really focus on your content! That will be the driving force when it comes to participation and success. Keep your sessions long enough to include great discussion and details, but short enough to keep the attention of the audience. Send your attendees a detailed itinerary about a week before the conference so they can plan out their schedules accordingly. 


4. Create Promotional Material & Internal Advertising

Create excitement for the virtual conference and get the word out in a fun way by creating eye-catching marketing materials! If your company does have employees working in the office, hang up some posters around break rooms and common areas. If your team is remote, send out an email blast! You can send fun email reminders leading up to the event as well. If you need some assistance creating professional looking designs, try using Canva!

5. Elevate the Conference with Custom Merch

Now, here is where we can really help you out! Accompanying your virtual conference with branded merch will take it to the next level. This will allow your attendees to be fully prepared for the event's sessions and rep your brand at the same time. Keep them organized with custom stationery and custom pens, and keep them fueled with custom drinkware or custom snacks. Due to the event taking place in the comfort of their own home, you could even send them some custom loungewear or a custom blanket to keep them cozy throughout the sessions. Keep in mind, you can ship your attendees a virtual conference themed box of goodies right to their door with our direct shipping service, to make things even easier!


6. Feature Industry Keynote Speakers

A key portion of successful conferences includes hearing from professionals in your respective industry. With virtual events being the new normal, keynote speakers can actually be easier to hire than if the event was in-person. The speaker won't need travel accommodations or as clear of a schedule with a virtual event gig. A great way to reallocate funds from in-person conference travel costs is to add additional speakers to your conference. 

7. Make Time for Q&A Sessions

Allowing attendees to connect with the keynote speakers is a great opportunity for them individually, and also a way to keep them engaged. Have your participants prepare questions beforehand in order to ensure there will be a great discussion with the speaker. Q & A sessions are a great way to add valuable time to your virtual event. Allowing for discussion with your featured speakers can be a rare opportunity, and is something that can make a conference truly stand out and be remembered.

8. Encourage Participation with Breakout Sessions

Engaging in Q & A sessions is exciting, but engaging with each other is equally as important! This is a great opportunity to connect employees that may not work together in their roles at your company, and allow for some great brainstorming. Breakout sessions are a great way to break up the itinerary, as they can re-energize the audience and spark inspiration. Breakout sessions can be assigned specific topics, such as discussing the prior session, or completing an activity. Use your breakout sessions to have some fun, too! Playing an ice breaker game towards the beginning of the conference can be a great way to kick it off, and playing a strategy game later on can keep everyone entertained.

9. Wrap Up the Conference with a Virtual Social Event

Now, it's time to celebrate a successful virtual conference! No matter what type of time frame your conference followed, there is always a reason to celebrate at the end. Let your attendees know how much you appreciate them giving up their time to be together as a company. Although you may not be able to head to your company's favorite local bar or restaurant to celebrate, you can still "cheers" from afar! Send your participants the tools they need to create a tasty beverage to thank them for their time, and to let them know you value them! Check out our custom logoed alcohol and custom bar supplies for some inspiration!

10. Send a Recap & Survey 

Feedback is an essential part to measuring the event's success. Provide your attendees the opportunity to have their voices heard on what they thought of the virtual conference. This can provide ideas for future events that you may not have thought of, and it can also help you scratch portions that may not have been as useful as you planned on. Sending your attendees a recap of the event gives them a summary of the topics discussed that they can keep for their own reference. 


Next Steps:

  • Check out other socially virtual event ideas here!
  • Read about planning a safe outdoor company event here!
  • Shop our Work From Home Essentials collection for more gift ideas!